Just in time for the Holiday; Advertiser Product Updates for You
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Just in time for the Holiday; Advertiser Product Updates for You

Sharon Muhambe
Sharon Muhambe
November 28, 2023

Today marks a major milestone in the evolution of Wowzi's offerings to facilitate smarter collaborations between brands and creators. We're ecstatic to unveil an array of groundbreaking updates that promise to empower brands and agencies with unprecedented control, insightful analytics, and a more seamless content pre-approval process. These enhancements are set to redefine operational efficiencies, leading to maximize ROI for creator-driven marketing campaigns.

Let's delve into the details of these game-changing features.

Introducing The Future Of Influencer Discovery and Audience Insights

Discovering the right creators for your campaigns is a top priority for anyone, and this is why our enhanced discovery tool takes this to new heights. Here’s what Wowzi’s advanced creator and audience discovery can do for you:

Identify the Perfect Creators

We’ve amplified your ability to pinpoint the most suitable creators for your campaigns. By analyzing various factors like demographic markers, engagement trends, quality scores, and job performance analytics, you gain invaluable insights. This data-driven approach ensures precision in selecting creators, aligning seamlessly with your brand objectives.

In-Depth Profile Information

Advertisers now enjoy enhanced access to additional insights within premium influencer profiles.  You are able to gain comprehensive views of their expertise(niche), reach, and content quality. This holistic perspective empowers you to make well-informed decisions when choosing collaborators for your campaigns.

Compare Influencer Profiles

Choosing the right influencer just got easier! Wowzi allows you to effortlessly compare two influencer profiles side by side. This intuitive feature enables you to evaluate and choose the perfect match for your campaign objectives, ensuring optimal alignment with your brand vision.

Export Profile Details

Need to maintain records or share influencer profiles seamlessly? Wowzi now enables you to export influencer profile details as a convenient PDF. This functionality simplifies collaboration tracking and reference keeping, streamlining your workflow.

Influencer And Audience Discovery for the Advertiser

For more on the influencer discovery and audience insights, check out our in-depth blog review here.

Revolutionizing Advertiser Analytics Dashboards for Better Data-Driven Campaign Management

At Wowzi, we continually evolve to cater to the evolving needs of our advertisers. Managing multiple brands in different countries, and campaigns within a single account often poses challenges in gaining a clear overview. With diverse campaigns executed across various brands and markets, understanding the overall performance while zooming into individual creator performances can be such a daunting task. That's where Wowzi's innovative analytics function comes into play!

Our enhanced analytics feature alleviates the complexity by enabling advertisers to create and manage custom dashboard views called clusters. These clusters serve as custom groups aggregating data from selected markets and brands. Offering a holistic view, these clusters provide insights into budget consumption, campaign activity, and performance across the board.

The key features of Wowzi’s advanced analytics platform are :

  • Single Company Account: Ideal for a single company or a holding company managing multiple sub-brands in-house or by an agency. Perfect for streamlining operations and enhancing collaboration.
  • Agency Network Account: Tailored for large agency networks managing multiple companies across different regions, providing a centralized view of diverse portfolios.
Analytics & Campaign Management Tools for the Advertiser

Customizable Cluster Views

What is exciting about this feature is the ability to tailor clusters to view activities based on regions or industries. You are able to create multiple clusters for a comprehensive overview, easily switch between views, and streamline campaign management.

Customizable Cluster Views for the Advertiser

For more on the analytics dashboard, check out our in-depth blog review here.

In-App Content Pre-Approvals for Teams - Revolutionizing Campaign Management

In the realm of marketing campaigns, the process of ensuring timely and top-quality content delivery has been a burdensome journey involving endless chat coordination and multiple conversation coordination leading to security risks and a lack of accountability. This involved endless chats and WhatsApp conversations with large teams across borders to try and ensure quality and timely delivery of assets ahead of campaign launch and during campaign execution. Out-of-app campaign management represents a massive security and data risk exposing brands, agencies, and influencers alike.

It is no longer acceptable in today’s business environment to allow brand managers and teams to manage campaigns outside of platforms for these reasons. Wave goodbye to all of these headaches and more and own the single source of truth and permanent record for who approved what, when, and follow the chain of events that either led to a smash hit campaign or get a handle quickly on what went wrong, when, where, and why. For you, the marketer, this new function represents a transformation in campaign transparency, which leads to better accountability and better results for clients.

The introduction of In-App Content Pre-Approvals feature which is  designed to streamline collaboration between creators and advertisers while maintaining transparency and accountability is totally a game changer!

For more on in-app content pre-approval, check out our in-depth blog review here

In-App Content Pre-Approvals for Teams


Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to revolutionize and simplify your influencer marketing journey.

If you prefer a personal touch, our team of amazing individuals is here to assist you. We're more than happy to guide you through the process and demonstrate how Wowzi can support you in accomplishing your marketing goals through Influencer Campaigns on our platform. Let us show you the possibilities and benefits that await you with Wowzi 😊 feel free to contact us. Drop us an email at support@wowzi.co or message us on any of our social media channels.

Today marks a major milestone in the evolution of Wowzi's offerings to facilitate smarter collaborations between brands and creators. We're ecstatic to unveil an array of groundbreaking updates that promise to empower brands and agencies with unprecedented control, insightful analytics, and a more seamless content pre-approval process. These enhancements are set to redefine operational efficiencies, leading to maximize ROI for creator-driven marketing campaigns.