Why You Need Influencer Marketing In Q1
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Why You Need Influencer Marketing In Q1

Sharon Muhambe
Sharon Muhambe
January 23, 2024
Do you have your Q1 influencer marketing budget secured?

This is what you need in your Q1 marketing Arsenal.

Clearly, something is working for those who invest in influencer marketing. And we’ll tell you what it is: Influencer marketing drives sales! Sure, you could spend your money on more traditional modes of marketing. There’s definitely a place for that, too. But hear us out:

Importance of Allocating Budget for Influencer Marketing in Q1

Influencer marketing stands as a highly lucrative industry that, when strategically implemented, can yield substantial returns for your brand. By earmarking a specific budget for influencer marketing in Q1, you guarantee that your influencer campaigns receive the attention and resources essential for making a significant impact on your brand. If your CMO hesitates to allocate a budget for influencer marketing, they may be lagging behind current industry trends. Clearly, investing in influencer marketing is yielding positive results, primarily in driving sales. While traditional marketing methods have their place, consider the unique benefits that influencer marketing brings to the table.

Influencer Marketing Versus Traditional Methods of Advertising

Spoiler alert: There’s likely a place for both methods in your larger strategy. But the benefits of influencer marketing are undeniable. And a little allocated influencer marketing budget can go a long way. Plus, it’ll help you keep up with your competitors.

Traditional marketing is outbound. It takes consumers out of their regularly scheduled program and interrupts it with an ad of some kind. Think a print advertisement, radio spot, commercial, billboard, etc.
On the flip side, influencer marketing adopts an inbound approach, seamlessly integrating into consumers' regular programming. The best influencer marketing is not only highly creative and entertaining but also mimics word-of-mouth advertising. This digitally native strategy involves creators, commonly known as influencers, who have proven influence over a specific consumer base.

In our increasingly digital world, influencer exposure is almost unavoidable. However, the critical distinction lies in the fact that consumers often choose the influencers they want to see. This implies their consent to the advertising, in stark contrast to traditional marketing methods thrust upon them.

Incorporating both traditional and influencer marketing strategies into your overall approach may prove beneficial. However, the undeniable advantages of influencer marketing, coupled with a modestly allocated budget, can significantly impact your marketing efforts and help you stay competitive in the market.

How To Appeal To The Budget Givers?

As the advertising landscape shifts further into the digital realm, social media emerges as a powerhouse. Your stakeholders are likely navigating this digital landscape daily. Meet them where they are by leveraging influencer marketing on the platforms they frequent. This strategic move not only enhances visibility but does so at a fraction of the cost of traditional advertising.

Highlight the cost-effectiveness of influencer marketing. Compared to traditional advertising, influencer marketing offers a budget-friendly alternative with the potential for higher engagement. Showcase the ability to achieve significant impact without straining financial resources.

When presenting your case to leadership, emphasize the unique advantages of influencer marketing. Showcase its track record of delivering results, the tailored approach it offers, and the cost-efficiency that aligns with the organization's financial goals.

Need Receipts?

If this is your first influencer marketing rodeo, don’t fret. You can rely on market data to back up your request. We document some of the success stories on how influencer marketing works for various industries and brands.

Remarkably, 25 percent of brands allocate a substantial 10-20 percent of their overall marketing budget to influencer marketing, underscoring its increasing significance in contemporary marketing strategies.

Well, what if this isn't your first rodeo?

Demonstrate to your leadership the impact of influencer marketing on your brand's success by showcasing past successes and outlining strategies to enhance ROI in future campaigns. Expand beyond sales metrics, providing insights into brand lift, mailing list growth, follower engagement, clicks, and conversions. Influencer marketing extends beyond immediate sales, so ensure to present comprehensive results spanning both the top and bottom of the marketing funnel. Showcasing a holistic view of influencer marketing's benefits will strengthen your case for continued investment.

Well, bet you're well-equipped to approach your CMO and internal leaders confidently to request the Q1 influencer marketing budget your brand deserves. The potential of influencer marketing to elevate your brand is clear, and now it's time to articulate your case, impress your higher-ups, and secure the necessary funds. Get ready to unleash your marketing prowess and make magic happen for your brand!

At Wowzi, we have pretty amazing humans ready to help you level up your influencer marketing strategy..Ready to transform your next campaign into a sensation? Contact us today to explore how strategic influencer collaborations and multi-platform tactics can elevate your brand to new heights.

Let us show you the possibilities and benefits that await you with Wowzi 😊

Drop us an email at support@wowzi.co or message us on any of our social media channels. Let's make your campaign a game-changer! 🚀💥